Thread Rolling Machine

Thread Rolling Machine

Thread rolling machine is an industrial machine to shape workpieces. This machine changes the temperature of materials with circular cross-sections to deform and shape them. Thread rolling machine can create threads for nuts and screws. Also, these machines support other machines used in machining for higher manufacturing quality. Thread rolling machine crushes the material to reshape them. Additionally, the material quality increases due to the hard layer created by the machine.

How Is Thread Rolling Done?

Thread rolling machine opens teeth to nuts and studs with thread rolling method to make these pieces more durable. This machine removes the extra residues, crushes the parts between hard structures and give form to the studs. The process is applied in a cold environment. The diameter of the part must be smaller than the major thread diameter of the screw. Also, the rolling material mold must have a harder structure. In short, the material is placed between thread rolling machine plates and the mold mark is created with pressure.

Thread Rolling Machine Specifications

Thread rolling machines enables the manufacturing of highly durable and strong structure by purchasing the pieces to cold flow between the molds. There is no machining in this process and therefore, there is no material loss. The material is only displaced at the molecular level. The grain structure doesn’t change and the material flows over the force line. The strength is increased around 70% with the thread rolling machine. The manufacturing speed increases three times with the thread rolling machine.

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Thread Rolling Machine