Second-Hand Milling Machines

Second-hand milling machines are one of the essential metal cutting machines in industrial production. Discussing second-hand metal machines, we can easily talk about second-hand milling machines, which perform almost as well as new ones. Before discussing the prices of second-hand milling machines and their connection with Heka Makine, let's understand what a milling machine is.

What is a Milling Machine?

A milling machine, with a history of nearly 250 years, is used for metal cutting processes. It has a rotating cutting tool and a system that can move the processed part's surface and circumference to perform the desired operation. It is used for operations such as pocketing, end milling, slotting, contouring, surface milling, and side milling. Special production can be made according to the need. As these data suggest, milling machines are used by thousands of firms in today's industry, indicating their importance. Given its significance, the milling machine is also available in the market as a long-lasting second-hand milling machine that can meet the needs of individuals or companies at a more economical price.

Modern milling machines are fully computer-controlled, allowing for rapid production. Programs used on the computer provide the necessary information and production limits, allowing the milling machine to start and continue production quickly. Whether it's a new or second-hand milling machine, they can easily shape the desired form, making them frequently used machines in today's industry.

What is a Milling Table and Its Purpose?

Milling tables, whether new or second-hand, are used for ease of operation with milling machines. They have a cutter with a sharp edge and assist in the metal cutting process by moving in a specific plane. These tables come in various types and can be used for different purposes.

The purposes of using milling tables include processing angular or outer surfaces, opening channels, and creating circular or flat partitions. Milling tables, which are essential for the industry, have their own variety and are categorized based on their usage and the results they provide. General categories include universal milling tables, mold maker milling tables, CNC milling tables, etc. Each has its own working, performance, and efficiency characteristics.

Prices of Second-Hand Milling Machines

The prices of second-hand milling machines are generally 20%-30% less than new machines. There are no significant performance differences, although this varies based on the condition of the second-hand milling machine. If the machine's condition is reliable, it performs almost as well as new machines. The only difference is that second-hand machines have been previously used. Sometimes, second-hand machines might be almost new or have only been used for a short period.

Heka Makine and Second-Hand Milling Machines

As experts in the field and a company always striving to innovate in the metal machine sector, we at Heka Makine prioritize customer satisfaction, high performance, and reasonable pricing. For second-hand milling machines or new metal machine needs, you can contact us to find the most suitable devices for your needs. As a company, we provide all kinds of support and assistance. Contacting us will be sufficient.

Second-Hand Milling Machines